Letter from
pastor lynn

The last 12 weeks of the fiscal year all public gatherings at the church were put on pause as we cooperated with public officials who attempted to control the spread of COVID-19. Putting public gatherings on pause could have led the church to a crisis in operations. But if ever there is a verse that I think of when I think of Central Wesleyan Church it is Ephesians 3:20, 21

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Below are some bullet points that illustrate how God did immeasurably more than we could ever have asked or imagined. Although these bullet points are financial highlights, behind each number is evidence of God’s people engaging prayer, faith and sacrifice. God’s people engage because they are investing in the ministries that are reaching people and changing lives even during a time of public gatherings being paused.

Outreach giving totaled more than $1.3 million in the last fiscal year. This funding is taking the message of hope and life to communities around the world.

We have now been tracking our outreach giving for 20 years, we have attempted to measure it the same way in all these years. During these 20 years we have given nearly $29.8 million and that represents 23.4% of all giving less capital stewardship.

General Fund was able to finish the year with all bills paid, reduce internal borrowing by $600,000, and carry $150,100 forward to assist with next year’s budget.

In the last fiscal year the Central Holland campus’ debt was reduced by more than $1.878 million.

Total cash giving for all WEN churches increased by 11.1% to nearly $10.7 million, a new all-time record.

Although last year finished strong we have many challenges in front of us. We are finding that putting public services on pause was much easier than the task of regathering the church once again. All of our budgets start over with the new year and we will need the provision of God and faithfulness of His people to accomplish the mission that is before us.




